Hillary Clinton clearly has no fucks to give, and all the truth in the world to tell.
Appearing on the Campaign HQ with David Plouffe podcast today, Hillary Clinton took on Russia’s invasion of American democracy, not just with respect to Trump but with respect to the political Left as well. She went straight for it and called Jill Stein a Russian Asset, as well as threw deep shade on Tulsi Gabbard without naming her, saying that someone in the Democratic primary is being groomed by the Russians for an independent candidacy as a foil for the eventual Democratic nominee so that Trump can steal another election.
Even though Clinton did not name Gabbard by name, the mere mentioning of a candidate who may be being groomed by Russia drew a response from exactly one Democratic candidate for president, and that was Gabbard. Gabbard launched a Twitter tirade against Hillary Clinton, calling her the “queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption.”
Of course, Right-wing media figures fell all over themselves to rush to the defense of Gabbard and to attack Clinton. The Hill’s Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti called it a “disgusting smear” and used objective luminary publications such as The Daily Caller to make their point.
Glenn Greenwald, who may well be implicated in Edward Snowden’s data-stealing operations, also weighed in, in essence calling Clinton a conspiracy theorist. I am sure that Glenn Greenwald is a completely objective commentator here given that his best friend and American fugitive Edward Snowden is still being protected in Moscow - which is probably also protecting Greenwald, as it is more than likely that were Snowden to be turned over American custody, he would sing like a bird about who pushed him to steal from the NSA, and their initials may well be ‘G.G.’
Greenwald’s other pal, Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, a supposed transparency platform that has never leaked anything damaging to Putin or Russia, has been accused of sexual assault and is now awaiting extradition to the US on charges of espionage and computer hacking. RT, Russia’s propaganda arm, has been waging a campaign for Assange to be released. It was at RT’s 10th Anniversary dinner where Jill Stein, Vladimir Putin, and one of the people convicted in the Trump-Russia scandal, Michael Flynn, Trump’s first National Security Advisor, all sat next to each other.
The most damning evidence that Gabbard is a Russian tool is, of course, Tulsi Gabbard. She has been a steadfast ally of Syrian dictator and Russian instrument Bashaar Al-Asaad, including in this week’s Democratic primary debate as candidates discussed the crisis in Syria spurred by Trump’s invite to Turkey to bomb American allied Kurds. Asaad and Gabbard’s budding friendship dates back at least to January 2017, when she secretly went to Syria with an anti-Semitic militant political party that uses women as suicide bombers. Calling Gabbard ‘Assad’s favorite Democrat,’ as the Daily Beast did when she announced her campaign for president, is an understatement.
To say that Russia is backing Gabbard’s campaign is not a conspiracy theory. It is not even a guess. It is a matter of record that the same Russian propaganda outlets and bots that invaded American social media in 2016 are now working hard to promote the candidacy of Tulsi Gabbard. This is to say nothing of Tulsi Gabbard’s frequent love affair with America’s most Russia-friendly channel, Fox News.
Once again, Hillary Clinton has no fucks left to give, and she is not suffering any fools. Clinton spokesperson Nick Merill, asked if the winner of the popular vote in 2016 was indeed referring to Gabbard, set Gabbard’s garbage ablaze: “if the nesting doll fits,” he said.
I am loving this No-Fs-To-Give Hillary Clinton. Go, Madam President!